As parents readjust to their college-aged kids returning home on breaks throughout the year, one question that comes up a lot is whether they (the parents) should be washing their kids’ clothes. There is much debate about whether you should or should not be doing this chore for your son or daughter. In the end, it really comes down to how you raised your child, and if you actually taught them how to do laundry and operate washer and dryer sets.
Throughout most of the year, our college-aged kids have had a huge amount of responsibility and independence. They have to make sure they get to class on time, eat, shower, and remember to do their laundry. As parents, we hope they are washing their clothes and not simply tossing them on the floor and re-wearing dirty clothes for several weeks at a time, until they are forced to wash them because the clothes are starting to smell badly.

Yet, when our kids return home, some are all too quick to fall back into old habits and want to be dependent upon their parents. They are hopeful dad and/or mom will take care of all their needs during their visits home, like giving them spending money, taking care of chores, and doing their laundry. Some parents jump right in because they feel their young adult is now a visiting guest, rather than still living at home full time. On the other hand, other parents do not care whether they are visiting a few week or are home all summer long; their kids will do chores, earn an allowance, and do their own laundry.
Is it okay to do your college student’s laundry? Sometimes it is, and others it is not. For instance, if you have a small load to wash, and have room left in the washer, offering to put some of their dirty clothes in with yours to make a full load is acceptable. Another case where it may be acceptable to do their laundry is if you have pushed your child to focus entirely on their academic studies to earn good grades, and, while they are at home, they are working on course work. If they are not, then there is no reason why they cannot wash their own clothes.
An alternative to whether or not to do your kid’s laundry is to make trade-offs with your college student. You will do their laundry, but they have to do a certain number of chores around the house, make a few dinners, or even take care of the grocery shopping and other errands in return. This way, they are not getting to sit around relaxing, doing nothing, while mom and/or dad wait on them hand-and-foot.
Lastly, do not be afraid to retrain your college student how to do laundry if you notice they are not washing their clothes correctly, or have picked up bad laundry habits while away from home. If you or your college student is shopping for new laundry appliances, do not hesitate to contact FJS Distributors at 800-875-1533. We are a factory authorized distributor of popular brands, like LG Washer Dryer, and even carry combination compact washer and dryer models.