Maximize Limited Square Footage with a Compact Washer and Dryer

Optimizing limited square footage in your home to include access to in-home laundry is easier to manage by installing compact washer and dryer models. These models are single unit appliances which combine the washing and drying functions in one machine. Since you only have to worry about finding space in your home for one appliance, it gives you greater flexibility where it can be installed in the home. A combination washer dryer does not require a dryer vent, since it uses ventless drying technologies to dry the clothes. The only connections required for installation are access to a standard 3-prong 110 V outlet, hot and cold water, and a discharge drain.

You have the option of tapping existing water and drain lines, if your home does not already have existing washer connections, or of converting the compact washer and dryer into a portable unit with a wheel kit and kitchen sink conversion kit. If you decide to tap water and drain lines, consider installing the combination washer dryer in an area in the home where these lines are easily accessible, such as in the kitchen or in one of your bathrooms. You are able to install the compact appliance under the countertop in either location by removing existing under counter cabinets, to maximize the limited space in your home.

To learn more about washer dryer combos, or assistance in selecting a model for your home, call 800-875-1533 now to speak to one of our experienced laundry technicians.

How Washers and Dryers Have Changed over the Years

Household laundry has changed over the years as technology has improved. Depending on how old you are, you might remember your parents or grandparents washing clothes in large archaic tubs with exposed gears, wringing attachments, and other components, and then hanging the clothes outside on a clothesline to dry. These early washing machines meant spending hours of manual labor to wash and rinse clothes. It required heating water in a big pot on a stove top to fill the machine, draining the washing drum, and refilling it with cold water to rinse the clothes. Fortunately, today, you have it much easier with a wide range of laundry appliance options, including the new combination washer dryer, stand-alone washer dryers, and stackable washer dryers.

Even with the invention of semi-automatic and automatic washing machines, during the late 1940s, people were far from being able to load the washer, select a cycle, and walk away. Many of these early models required user interaction at various cycle stages, such as adding detergent during the wash cycle or remembering to add fabric softener at the right time. Some models even required moving clothes from the washing tub to a rinsing tub. Many of these early models remained fairly unchanged and were on the market until well into the 1970s.

In the 1970s, technology started to change as computer technology was advancing. Washer and dryer manufacturers could now offer fully automated models to allow people to select cycles and walk away, while the machines ran without any user interaction. As personal computers became popular in the 1980s, laundry manufacturers realized the potential microprocessors and computer chips would have if they were incorporated into washer and dryer designs. However, it was not until the 1990s that this technology first started being incorporated into new washers and dryers.

Thanks to the advancements in technology, people today have access to energy-efficient laundry solutions for their home, to make their lives easier and simpler. To learn more about combination washer dryer models, or other modern machines, feel free to contact us at 800-875-1533.

How to Get the Whitest Whites with LG Washers

Over time, you may start to notice your white clothing, towels, sheets, and other items are starting to turn a dingy gray or even have yellowish tints to them. Before you run out and replace these items with new ones, there are several useful tips and tricks for getting the whitest whites with LG washers. Part of the cause of the discoloration of the whites could be due to the type of laundry detergent you are currently using. You should have a high-efficiency detergent with stain lifting or brightening additives.

After obtaining or confirming you have the right detergent, you will also need high efficiency bleach and a stain booster product. You do not need to use a large amount of bleach, just a small amount, to help improve the brightening effects of the laundry detergent and stain booster product. Put the whites into the LG washer and select the “Sanitary” wash cycle. Add the right amount of detergent, stain booster, and some bleach, and start the wash cycle.

After the wash cycle is completed, dry the clothes in your LG dryer on medium heat. Once dry, look at the clothing or other whites. If they still appear discolored, you can place them in a location within the home where direct sunlight comes in, or hang them outside on a laundry line if you have one. Direct sunlight helps remove stubborn discolorations, because it slowly and gradually removes colors.

For more information about LG washers and dryers, or further assistance, contact us at 800-875-1533.

How to Adjust Laundry Habits for Your New LG Washer Dryer

An all-in-one LG washer dryer requires adjusting your laundry habits to accommodate how your new laundry appliance operates. Some people make the mistake of assuming they can accomplish all of their laundry in a single day, when this is not always possible. Depending upon the number of loads you need to wash, you need to plan cycle times accordingly. Average cycle times range from 2 ½ to 3 hours per load of laundry, because each load is washed, and then dried, in the same appliance.

The easiest way to change your laundry habits is to wash one or two loads of laundry per day. You could break up the loads to fit with when you will need the clean clothes. For instance, on the weekends, wash and dry your work clothes you are going to need during the week. Then, during the week, use the delayed start-time feature on the LG washer dryer to do a load of clothes you wear on the weekends and while you are not at work: towels, sheets, or other laundry. With the delayed start, you are able to have the washer start the load before you get home from work, so the clothes are drying or have recently finished drying as you arrive home.

For assistance with features on your new LG washer dryer, or additional tips to maximum your appliance’s usage, contact us at 800-875-1533, today.

Treating Stubborn Laundry Stains before Washing in LG Washers

The key to treating stubborn laundry stains is addressing them immediately. If you wait until later, the stain can set into the clothing and be more difficult to remove. Most stains are able to be removed with a little bit of care and patience. Successful stain removal starts by pretreating stains prior to washing in LG washers.

You want to blot the stain from the outside, and work inwards, to prevent making the stain bigger. Blotting should be done using a well wrung damp cloth and cold water. For thicker liquids and solids, carefully remove the excess, first, before blotting the clothing. After blotting the stain and removing as much as possible, treat the stain with a stain treatment product.

There are also several home remedies you can use, like cornstarch for oil-based stains, baking soda for grease stains, and lemon juice to remove stains from whites. It is recommended to leave home remedy stain treatments on the affected area for about 10 minutes before rinsing in cold water. For difficult oil and grease stains, you may make a paste with a small amount of cold water before applying to the stain, and leave the treatment on for up to 15 minutes.

Keep in mind, even after using a stain treatment, the stain might still be noticeable before the clothes are washed in your LG washer. After washing the clothes, inspect for stains and, if they are still present, do not put them into the dryer, as heat will set the stain in the clothing where it is even harder to remove. Instead, retreat the stain and rewash the clothing.

To learn more about LG washers and dryers, or other home laundry solutions, contact one of our professional laundry experts today at 800-875-1533.

Is a Portable Washing Machine Right for You?

A portable washing machine is the ideal solution for people looking for an in-home laundry solution when there are no existing washer and dryer connections in your apartment, condo, or home. It is important to distinguish between the different models and options on the market today. Some models only provide washing functions, so you still require a drying solution. Other models, like the LG all-in-one washer and dryer, include both washing and ventless drying into a single portable appliance.

How Does a LG Portable Washing Machine Work?

A LG portable washing machine functions just like other front loading washers and dryers. The key difference is how you connect the water intake and discharge lines. Instead of connecting these to actual washer connections in a laundry room, they are connected to a kitchen sink conversion kit. The conversion kit includes connections for both the intake and discharge lines into a single piece, which conveniently attaches to most kitchen sink faucets. Once connected to the faucet, you turn the water on and select the desired water temperature. In cases where you are using either hot or warm water for the wash cycle, you do need to adjust the faucet to cold water for the rinse cycles. After the wash cycle is complete, the machine automatically starts the drying cycle.

For more information about LG portable all-in-one washers and dryers, contact us at 800-875-1533.

Is a Combination Washer Dryer Right for You?

Selecting new laundry appliances for your home or business depends largely on your laundry habits and volume of laundry. Modern laundry appliances include options for compact laundry pairs, large capacity machines, stackable washers and dryers, and combination washer dryer models. The following questions will assist you in the decision process:

  1. Can you run a load laundry several times a week? Instead of attempting to do all of your laundry on a single day, if you can break this up over multiple days, then a combination washer dryer is a good choice, since both washing and drying functions are performed in the same appliance.
  2. Do you have existing washer and dryer connections? If your home or business does not have washer and dryer connections, a washer dryer combo provides a bit more flexibility because it can be converted into a portable machine and does not require a dryer vent or special dryer electrical outlet.
  3. How much room do you have available in your home or business to install a washer and dryer? Space considerations are important, because you need to make sure there is sufficient space, whether you choose individual laundry appliances or an all-in-one solution. If you have limited space, either a stackable washer and dryer or combination machine would work.

Other considerations to help you choose the best laundry solution for your home are to look at the energy saving features on the appliances and whether they feature ventless drying technologies.

Contact us at 800-875-1533 for additional information, and to learn more about energy saving and space saving combo washer dryers, stackable washer dryers, and other laundry solutions for your home or business.