How to Select Washer and Dryer Sets

Making the best purchasing decision for your home, and selecting washer and dryer sets requires some advanced planning. You may already have an idea about what features and options you desire, but you also need to consider other aspects, as this could determine the size and type of appliances you buy.

  1. What are your laundry needs? The types of loads you need to wash, as well as soil levels, help determine what sort of features to look for in your new washer. In addition, if you have large, bulky items to launder, consider a larger capacity washer and dryer.
  2. Where will the washer and dryer be installed? For homes with existing laundry connections, verify the placement of washer hookups and the type of dryer cord needed. Measure the space, and use this measurement to shop washer and dryer sets capable of fitting into the existing space. If there are width restrictions, but no height issues, consider a stackable washer and dryer setup. For homes lacking existing connections, a washer and dryer combo is less expensive to install than traditional laundry pairs.
  3. Are there handicap accessibility concerns? If you or someone in your home is wheelchair bound, or has other mobility issues, consider front loading models, as these are easily accessible and have the controls on the front of the machines.
  4. How often and how much time do you need to do laundry? If you only need to launder a few loads a week, you can choose a combination washer dryer, or stand-alone washer and dryer models. On the other hand, for large families with endless loads of laundry, separate appliances allow them to complete more loads in less time.

For more information about washer and dryer sets, or professional assistance in choosing the right appliances for your home, call 800-875-1533 today.