The laundry room, in most homes, is typically one of the least organized rooms. You might have piles of dirty clothes on the floor, laundry detergents, and supplies sitting on top of the washer, and an iron board standing in a corner. With a little bit of planning and DIY work, you can turn your laundry room into one of the most organized rooms in your home with any of the following ideas:
- Build Laundry Pedestals: Most people have front loading washer and dryer sets. Elevating them on pedestals allows you to utilize the space under the washer and dryer. You can build your own using high quality wood and at least two supports. This leaves three open areas where you can either install pull out drawers or use plastic totes that easily slide in and out.
- Stack the Washer and Dryer: If space is tight in the laundry room, you can stack front loading appliances with a stacking kit and place the dryer on top of the washer.
- Use a Wooden Ladder to Make a Clothes Hanger: Take a short three or four foot wooden ladder and suspend it from the ceiling with supports on both sides at both ends. You can connect the supports together on the left and right sides of the ladder, with a single support secured into a beam in the ceiling. Now, use the rungs of the ladder to hang up your clean clothes.
- Use a Door Rack for Laundry Supplies: For small laundry rooms with a door, pick up a wire door rack and hang it on the back of the door. Door racks have several shelves that are perfect for detergents, fabric softeners, and more.
- Build Shelves above the Washer and Dryer: Create storage above your appliances by building shelves. Just remember to use extra supports if you intend to use them to store laundry supplies, to prevent the shelves from sagging.
- Build a Fold-Down Drying Rack: Build a rectangular wooden frame with about four cross sections, which looks similar to a very short and small ladder. Secure this to a solid piece of wood using hinges with an attached support arm and mount to the wall.
- Build a Portable Laundry Basket Sorter: You are free to build the sorter as big as you want, to hold from two to four laundry baskets. Using plywood, cut three sections for the height and two sections for the depth to build a cabinet. At each level, use one-by-twos to create shelf supports so the baskets can be pulled out for sorting. Lastly, install wheels onto the bottom to roll it throughout the home and presort laundry as you pick up dirty clothes from each room.
By taking the time to organize your laundry room, doing laundry becomes easier and more efficient. For more laundry room tips and suggestions, or for assistance in selecting a new washer and dryer, call LG Washer Dryer FJS Distributers, Inc. at 800-875-1533.